This is the first of the proto type. In many ways it is a brother to the Tekko kage, as it is large and very heavy. The fingers are 17” long ½” wide and ¾” high. I believe they weight 6 pounds each.
I fingers are not sharp. This style is meant for ripping. Well more accurately this style is meant to train the body to hold proper posture and to amplify when one goes past the point of balance.
Next before I can even train or test them is building the support for the wrist.
My idea as of this moment is to build a brace that can be worn on the arm that the San kagi can strap into easily. So one can wear and remove them quickly. The brace will be made of latigo leather for its strength and look.
The inspiration of this project is Wolverine. In the past I have made many claws in his style but all have been for show with no function what so ever…well other than look. I want to take it further. This model is for training to understand the movement and the force needed to make it functional cutter. One this model is finished the testing will begin. The testing will to understand the movement.
With that said a sharp cutting version of this style will be created in the near future.