Ahh, the fun of creating tools.
I like claws. Yep it’s really that simple. Granted I like a lot of thing most of which you can find on this site. Yet at this moment, Friday at 11:18pm I wanted a new set of claws.
I have drawn out the plan for my new set of claws which I have boringly named San Kagi.
Despite the name, which may change depending on the wind, these claws are nothing to light at. The weight “I believe” be around 5 lbs each. The fingers of the claws will extend 9 inches past my knuckles. That is twice the reach of the Tekko kage. Also the brace on the arm will only be 3 inches. This balance will move the weight ahead from my forearm to my hand. They will be even harder to wield than the Tekko kage.
New toy means new weight. New weight means new balance. New Balance means more training. More training means…well really it only means more training, but trainings good. In the end It will lead to happiness. Life is good.
If you are interested in finding out more let me know. The goal is to start heating the metal the weekend of August 7th and 8th.
Check back for more details